K-Shinju88 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/k-shinju88/art/100-THEMES-Ext-Theme-130-91396611K-Shinju88

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'100 THEMES' Ext- Theme 130



"Sweet! I think Sage is winning the game!" :heart:
"Wow...impressive! We should've known he was an expert
at this when he wagered all of our armors." ^^;


Just when you thought K-chan was done with the
100 Themes art challenge....she raises the bar and
adds 50 more themes to the list. ....what the heck. ^^;

Read the journal talking about this if you haven't--> [link]


Needless to say, I had SO much fun drawing out this theme.
The sketch version had been submitted in this year's "Boys
of Summer" art challenge on Samurai Fanservice, and from
what I saw, it was a huge hit. Soooooo....I give to you all
the COLORED version of the drawing!

And the theme for this one? Gambling.

Heheh. Poor Cale....:rofl: I think Sage is enjoying this, though.

Didn't pay too much attention to the cards, so they look
awfully plain...and blank. XD ..but that's okay! :lol:

*checks #130 off* :XD:
Image size
867x520px 70.12 KB
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Sage really seems to be enjoying this.