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After two months of (sort of) hard labor, I have finally completed the second Cheat Cosplayers collection.
As I have stated in the first collection this was inspired by Cheat Commandos and each costume was modeled off of the original The Cheat sketch I submitted a while back. Also, the new slogan was taken out of the most recent (as of this writing) Cheat Commandos episode.
Like the original, I had The Cheat dress up as characters from various anime, manga, and video games. For this collection, I also included a character from a popular computer program.
As a personal choice, I decided not to do characters from a series that was already covered in the first collection. So there aren't any more characters from Mario, Final Fantasy, One Piece, Naruto, Sonic and all the rest.
As I should, the list of characters.
First Row
Link from The Legend of Zelda (C) Nintendo
I intended to do a Link cosplay for the first Cheat Cosplayers but for whatever reason it never came to be. Now that I made a second collection, it finally got its chance.
Taikobo from Hoshin Engi (C) Ryu Fujisaki
I was a huge fan of this manga when I was in high school. I recently got back into the series due to the Viz release so I decided to draw The Cheat Taikobo.
Crono from Chrono Trigger (C) Square-Enix
Most RPG fans would call Chrono Trigger one of the best games ever. Not me, although it is a very good game.
Gurren Lagann from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (C) Gainax
Craziest giant robot anime ever! I could have done Simon, Kamina, Yoko, or Nia (mainly because it would be easier) but mecha The Cheat is too awesome to pass up.
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club (C) Bisco Hatori
I was rather suprised about how much I liked this anime since I'm usually not into the shoujo genre. Also another character I wanted to do for the first collection. Would have gone great with the Suzumiya Haruhi Cheat.
Second Row
Amaterasu from Okami (C) Clover and Capcom
Okami is like Zelda where you play as a wolf (not like Twilight Princess) which is why it's so fun. I chose not to emulate the game's art style for this drawing but I like the way it turned out.
Ness from Earthbound (C) Shigesato Itoi and Nintendo
I wanted to do Lucas from Mother 3 because I found him to be the better character. In the end, I chose to draw Ness because of more familiarity.
Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere (C) Vanillaware and Atlus
Of the five main characters of Odin Sphere, I chose to draw Gwendolyn. I suppose the fact that you have to play through her story first has something to do with it.
Satchii from Dennou Coil (C) Madhouse
Dennou Coil came at me out of nowhere and I was surprised with how awesome it is. Also I want a Satchii plush toy complete with voice-overs. I suppose drawing The Cheat in a Satchii costume is the next best thing.
Guts from Berserk (C) Kentaro Miura
I checked out the manga due to all the stuff I'm hearing about how really good it is. Well, I'll agree it is really good but there is a lot of violence and sexual content so I wouldn't recommend this series for those who are weak of stomach. This was pretty much one of the more difficult characters to draw. The coloring part was surprisingly easy though.
Third Row
Konata Izumi from Lucky Star (C) Kagami Yoshimizu
It was a funny series but nothing great. Konata was a very cool character so a The Cheat cosplay was a good idea.
Professor Hershel Layton from Professor Layton and the Curious Village (C) Level-5
I draw this while I wait for Professor Layton and Pandora's Box to come out here. Come on Nintendo! Release it already!
Maromi from Paranoia Agent (C) Satoshi Kon
I initially wanted to do Li'l Slugger but it was surprisingly difficult to find a good picture of him. (Why didn't I buy the DVDs when I had the chance?) So I ended up drawing Maromi. I suppose that doesn't matter in the end.
Phoenix Wright from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (C) Capcom
I certainly don't have an "OBJECTION!" to The Cheat dressed like an ace attorney with spikey hair.
Saber from Fate/Stay Night (C) Type-Moon
All I have seen from this series is the billions of AMVs that were shown at Anime Expo 07's AMV contest. The show had to be popular enough to warrant a cosplay, that and a friend asked me to do it and I wasn't exactly high on ideas.
Fourth Row
Evangelion Unit 01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion (C) Gainax
I got the idea soon after I finished this first collection. Hooray for finally making it in its full glory after all this time!
Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man (C) Katsura Hoshino
All I've seen of D.Gray-Man was the first volume of the manga. I know some people who love the series so I thought why not?
Don from Taiko Drum Master (C) Namco
...and I thought Sonic The Cheat looked awkward. It's still an awesome series though.
Laharl from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (C) Nippon Ichi
I had the idea as I was working on the first collection and it never happened. Well here is The Cheat Laharl for all of us Disgaea fanatics.
Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura (C) Clamp
I wish I did this Sakura rather than the Tsubasa Sakura from the first collection.
Fifth Row
Aspergillus Oryzae from Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture (C) Masayuki Ishikawa
I never expected a show about agriculture to be so good. Also those microbes are pretty cute. The Cheat microbe... well, I suppose it is pretty cute.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (C) Yoshio Sawai
This show is funny as well as the costume I created for this show.
Lillet Blan from Grim Grimoire (C) Vanillaware and Nippon Ichi
I played this game because of Odin Sphere. I liked it but it was incredibly hectic. I definitely don't play enough real-time strategy games. Still I did like the game's story and how the characters developed in the end so a The Cheat as Lillet was an excellent choice.
Vibri from Vib-Ribbon (C) NanaOn-Sha and Sony
Seriously, this costume was way too easy! In any case, Vib-Ribbon was one of those life-changing games for me what with its CD-reading function so I had to do a The Cheat Vibri.
Lina Inverse from Slayers (C) Hajime Kanzaka
I was into Slayers a long time ago but the idea of drawing Lina for the first collection never came to me. After Revolution came along I knew that I had to draw Lina Inverse this time.
Sixth Row
Samus Aran from Metroid (C) Nintendo
Another character I intended to draw for the first collection, even though I haven't played Metroid very much.
Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid (C) Yamaha
This character is unique in that it's the only one in this collection that originated from a computer program rather than an anime, manga, or video game. I really like the design which is why I chose to draw her for this collection.
Wander from Shadow of the Colossus (C) Team Ico and Sony
Ah, Shadow of the Colossus. You are an excellent game despite lack of enemy battles in which the battles it does have are incredibly awesome. (and brain-teasing! Seriously!)
Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia (C) Namco
I had a choice between this, Cless Alvein from Tales of Phantasia, and Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss. It eventually came down to Lloyd since Cless' design is too generic and I just didn't like Luke.
Orpheus from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (C) Atlus
Persona 3 is the closest thing I've seen to RPG perfection (along with Mother 3). The reason I chose Orpheus as the cosplay representative is because it was one of the first Personas you get in the game and it looks awesome on The Cheat.
Seventh Row
Henrietta from Gunslinger Girl (C) Yu Aida
I'm not one for drama anime but I was pulled into this series on a whim. (saw it in a convention during boredom)
Big O from The Big O (C) Keiichi Sata and Kazuyoshi Katayama
I liked Big O back in the day. Since I was doing more giant robot The Cheats in this collection, I thought Big O would be a welcome addition.
Viewtiful Joe from Viewtiful Joe (C) Clover and Capcom
Fun game. Though on The Cheat, this looks a regular Power Ranger. Maybe Joe is like a regular Power Ranger and I didn't know about it!
Letty from Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majyo to (C) Miyabi Fujieda
I needed more obscure characters and more characters from a shoujo-ai series. This character fits the critieria, so here it is!
Zack from Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (C) Capcom
Great game! Too bad not enough people actually bought it.
Eighth Row
Zero/Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (C) Sunrise
Code Geass is a good series with far too many unlikeable characters. (like Harry Potter) I say that Lelouch is one of them but his Zero costume is so cool. I then knew that The Cheat should be wearing that costume!
Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land (C) HAL and Nintendo
The Cheat in a Kirby suit is surprisingly fitting!
Loto from Dragon Quest III (C) Square-Enix
I wanted to do a Dragon Quest character for the first collection though I was unsure of which one so I never got to making it. This time, however, I made the choice of doing the main character of the third game. That is the installment that made the most impact on the series after all.
Chizuko Mikamo from The Daughter of Twenty Faces (C) Shinji Ohara
I found this anime series and really liked it. I still need to check out the manga though. In any case this character fits the obscure criteria so I chose to draw her for this collection.
Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo! (C) Hiroki Hayashi and Masaki Kajishima
Of all the Tenchi characters I could've done I chose Ryo-ohki. Not sure why but it was SO the right choice.
It's been about a year and a half since the first Cheat Cosplayers. I wonder if I'll make another one a year and a half from now. Who knows? There certainly are some characters I overlooked so it's a possibility.
Also here's Cheat Cosplayers 1.
Homestar Runner (C) The Chapman Brothers
As I have stated in the first collection this was inspired by Cheat Commandos and each costume was modeled off of the original The Cheat sketch I submitted a while back. Also, the new slogan was taken out of the most recent (as of this writing) Cheat Commandos episode.
Like the original, I had The Cheat dress up as characters from various anime, manga, and video games. For this collection, I also included a character from a popular computer program.
As a personal choice, I decided not to do characters from a series that was already covered in the first collection. So there aren't any more characters from Mario, Final Fantasy, One Piece, Naruto, Sonic and all the rest.
As I should, the list of characters.
First Row
Link from The Legend of Zelda (C) Nintendo
I intended to do a Link cosplay for the first Cheat Cosplayers but for whatever reason it never came to be. Now that I made a second collection, it finally got its chance.
Taikobo from Hoshin Engi (C) Ryu Fujisaki
I was a huge fan of this manga when I was in high school. I recently got back into the series due to the Viz release so I decided to draw The Cheat Taikobo.
Crono from Chrono Trigger (C) Square-Enix
Most RPG fans would call Chrono Trigger one of the best games ever. Not me, although it is a very good game.
Gurren Lagann from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (C) Gainax
Craziest giant robot anime ever! I could have done Simon, Kamina, Yoko, or Nia (mainly because it would be easier) but mecha The Cheat is too awesome to pass up.
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club (C) Bisco Hatori
I was rather suprised about how much I liked this anime since I'm usually not into the shoujo genre. Also another character I wanted to do for the first collection. Would have gone great with the Suzumiya Haruhi Cheat.
Second Row
Amaterasu from Okami (C) Clover and Capcom
Okami is like Zelda where you play as a wolf (not like Twilight Princess) which is why it's so fun. I chose not to emulate the game's art style for this drawing but I like the way it turned out.
Ness from Earthbound (C) Shigesato Itoi and Nintendo
I wanted to do Lucas from Mother 3 because I found him to be the better character. In the end, I chose to draw Ness because of more familiarity.
Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere (C) Vanillaware and Atlus
Of the five main characters of Odin Sphere, I chose to draw Gwendolyn. I suppose the fact that you have to play through her story first has something to do with it.
Satchii from Dennou Coil (C) Madhouse
Dennou Coil came at me out of nowhere and I was surprised with how awesome it is. Also I want a Satchii plush toy complete with voice-overs. I suppose drawing The Cheat in a Satchii costume is the next best thing.
Guts from Berserk (C) Kentaro Miura
I checked out the manga due to all the stuff I'm hearing about how really good it is. Well, I'll agree it is really good but there is a lot of violence and sexual content so I wouldn't recommend this series for those who are weak of stomach. This was pretty much one of the more difficult characters to draw. The coloring part was surprisingly easy though.
Third Row
Konata Izumi from Lucky Star (C) Kagami Yoshimizu
It was a funny series but nothing great. Konata was a very cool character so a The Cheat cosplay was a good idea.
Professor Hershel Layton from Professor Layton and the Curious Village (C) Level-5
I draw this while I wait for Professor Layton and Pandora's Box to come out here. Come on Nintendo! Release it already!
Maromi from Paranoia Agent (C) Satoshi Kon
I initially wanted to do Li'l Slugger but it was surprisingly difficult to find a good picture of him. (Why didn't I buy the DVDs when I had the chance?) So I ended up drawing Maromi. I suppose that doesn't matter in the end.
Phoenix Wright from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (C) Capcom
I certainly don't have an "OBJECTION!" to The Cheat dressed like an ace attorney with spikey hair.
Saber from Fate/Stay Night (C) Type-Moon
All I have seen from this series is the billions of AMVs that were shown at Anime Expo 07's AMV contest. The show had to be popular enough to warrant a cosplay, that and a friend asked me to do it and I wasn't exactly high on ideas.
Fourth Row
Evangelion Unit 01 from Neon Genesis Evangelion (C) Gainax
I got the idea soon after I finished this first collection. Hooray for finally making it in its full glory after all this time!
Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man (C) Katsura Hoshino
All I've seen of D.Gray-Man was the first volume of the manga. I know some people who love the series so I thought why not?
Don from Taiko Drum Master (C) Namco
...and I thought Sonic The Cheat looked awkward. It's still an awesome series though.
Laharl from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (C) Nippon Ichi
I had the idea as I was working on the first collection and it never happened. Well here is The Cheat Laharl for all of us Disgaea fanatics.
Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura (C) Clamp
I wish I did this Sakura rather than the Tsubasa Sakura from the first collection.
Fifth Row
Aspergillus Oryzae from Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture (C) Masayuki Ishikawa
I never expected a show about agriculture to be so good. Also those microbes are pretty cute. The Cheat microbe... well, I suppose it is pretty cute.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo from Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (C) Yoshio Sawai
This show is funny as well as the costume I created for this show.
Lillet Blan from Grim Grimoire (C) Vanillaware and Nippon Ichi
I played this game because of Odin Sphere. I liked it but it was incredibly hectic. I definitely don't play enough real-time strategy games. Still I did like the game's story and how the characters developed in the end so a The Cheat as Lillet was an excellent choice.
Vibri from Vib-Ribbon (C) NanaOn-Sha and Sony
Seriously, this costume was way too easy! In any case, Vib-Ribbon was one of those life-changing games for me what with its CD-reading function so I had to do a The Cheat Vibri.
Lina Inverse from Slayers (C) Hajime Kanzaka
I was into Slayers a long time ago but the idea of drawing Lina for the first collection never came to me. After Revolution came along I knew that I had to draw Lina Inverse this time.
Sixth Row
Samus Aran from Metroid (C) Nintendo
Another character I intended to draw for the first collection, even though I haven't played Metroid very much.
Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid (C) Yamaha
This character is unique in that it's the only one in this collection that originated from a computer program rather than an anime, manga, or video game. I really like the design which is why I chose to draw her for this collection.
Wander from Shadow of the Colossus (C) Team Ico and Sony
Ah, Shadow of the Colossus. You are an excellent game despite lack of enemy battles in which the battles it does have are incredibly awesome. (and brain-teasing! Seriously!)
Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia (C) Namco
I had a choice between this, Cless Alvein from Tales of Phantasia, and Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss. It eventually came down to Lloyd since Cless' design is too generic and I just didn't like Luke.
Orpheus from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (C) Atlus
Persona 3 is the closest thing I've seen to RPG perfection (along with Mother 3). The reason I chose Orpheus as the cosplay representative is because it was one of the first Personas you get in the game and it looks awesome on The Cheat.
Seventh Row
Henrietta from Gunslinger Girl (C) Yu Aida
I'm not one for drama anime but I was pulled into this series on a whim. (saw it in a convention during boredom)
Big O from The Big O (C) Keiichi Sata and Kazuyoshi Katayama
I liked Big O back in the day. Since I was doing more giant robot The Cheats in this collection, I thought Big O would be a welcome addition.
Viewtiful Joe from Viewtiful Joe (C) Clover and Capcom
Fun game. Though on The Cheat, this looks a regular Power Ranger. Maybe Joe is like a regular Power Ranger and I didn't know about it!
Letty from Kotonoha no Miko to Kotodama no Majyo to (C) Miyabi Fujieda
I needed more obscure characters and more characters from a shoujo-ai series. This character fits the critieria, so here it is!
Zack from Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (C) Capcom
Great game! Too bad not enough people actually bought it.
Eighth Row
Zero/Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (C) Sunrise
Code Geass is a good series with far too many unlikeable characters. (like Harry Potter) I say that Lelouch is one of them but his Zero costume is so cool. I then knew that The Cheat should be wearing that costume!
Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land (C) HAL and Nintendo
The Cheat in a Kirby suit is surprisingly fitting!
Loto from Dragon Quest III (C) Square-Enix
I wanted to do a Dragon Quest character for the first collection though I was unsure of which one so I never got to making it. This time, however, I made the choice of doing the main character of the third game. That is the installment that made the most impact on the series after all.
Chizuko Mikamo from The Daughter of Twenty Faces (C) Shinji Ohara
I found this anime series and really liked it. I still need to check out the manga though. In any case this character fits the obscure criteria so I chose to draw her for this collection.
Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo! (C) Hiroki Hayashi and Masaki Kajishima
Of all the Tenchi characters I could've done I chose Ryo-ohki. Not sure why but it was SO the right choice.
It's been about a year and a half since the first Cheat Cosplayers. I wonder if I'll make another one a year and a half from now. Who knows? There certainly are some characters I overlooked so it's a possibility.
Also here's Cheat Cosplayers 1.
Homestar Runner (C) The Chapman Brothers
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Vibri the cheat and Kirby the cheat are the best.