Hi there!
My (nick)name is Kosak
and you are very welcome here!
What to say about me:
Since I was a little kid I loved cartoons
and had my imagination running wild.
I was always interested in any kind of inner expression.
Music, stories, pictures, PC games ...everything like that.
I am truly inspired by so many things and I love them dearly.
Art is what saves people, I believe.
It really connects us on a much deeper level than we can understand now.
I support anyone who tries to create a better world.
that´s all,
thanks for reading
Hellow there random deviant. *clicked the random deviant button* Just want to spread the love.
You are beautiful and worth it, no matter what people say. <3
Have a hug too.
Don't be afraid to pass this on if you want.
And have a nice day/evening/night. :3
Sincerely, CelineDGD
Happy Helper of the Happy-Squad