:watchingpaintdry:k-d-t on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/k-d-t/art/watchingpaintdry-169663861k-d-t

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A far, far better emote than the one I submitted earlier. Although I think the first one had the true quality of watching paint dry....hehe

From =CheekyNana
:WatchingPaintDry: Basically, a boringly shaded beige emote is staring at a boringly shaded beige painted wall. This goes on for as long as possible, and then either a claw, or some kind of worm-like monster jumps out and eats him, and either sucks him bak into the wall, or just sort of splatters onto the floor, and kind of... shrinks to nothingness. He could drop down again, and the cycle continues.

This is officially the most time and effort I've ever put into something less than 50x50 pixels. I'm fairly pleased with it - especially the bounce at the end.
If you're interested in giving constructive criticism - what do you think of the shading on the wave? How could i improve it?
Also, how's the speed of it?

Thanks in advance.
Image size
45x36px 6.79 KB
anonymous's avatar
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Indae's avatar
Nice :)
I think.. maybe.. Add a few teeth to the 'monster' ?
Nice shading overall :)