We are all to blamejyongyi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jyongyi/art/We-are-all-to-blame-686045062jyongyi

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We are all to blame

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Inspired largely by the track of the same name: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB8Tzl… 

Other than the No man’s land scene this is my favourite part. Actually scratch that this is my favourite part of the movie because I feel that this is when Diana truly became Wonder Woman; this is the moment where she questioned whether she was doing the right thing. And this is what I love about WW; Diana is a hero that loves fiercely and isn’t afraid to express it. I love how the movie didn’t just make WW a hero because she realise it was the right thing to do, but instead went one step further and made her question it. I think that’s more important than establishing what is right and wrong; we need to understand why something is right instead of blindly following the masses. A lot of times it is seemingly easy to distinguish between right or wrong which is why I felt World War I was an ideal setting to convey this lesson because it is such a confusing war and there are no clear cut villains, as opposed to the Nazis in WWII. I also think Gal Gadot did a wonderful job portraying Diana’s naivety and steadfastness in her principles.

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This is gorgeous!!!! You did amazing!❀️❀️❀️