Tom Hiddlestonjyongyi on DeviantArt

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Tom Hiddleston



He is insanely gorgeous (those cheekbones and gah his eyes!) and not only that his interviews are a delight to watch. His voice is just so lovely and he has a very eloquent way of talking (given his classical acting background) and the whole thing is full of wit and humour. He can pull off a mean Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans:lol:

Oh and this is done entirely with cross-hatching, and forgive the rough lines its A5 and I tried very hard not to shade using tissue. This is done in the dead of the night with one foot in lalaland and the other nailed to the waking world and gosh I have a million other unfinished things to do but did this instead:P

Tools used: hB and 2B mechanical pencils, sepia tone added digitally.

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gitsie0007's avatar
Gorgeous work and I also love Tom Hiddleston.