Escape the Farm - colorjvollmer on DeviantArt

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jvollmer's avatar

Escape the Farm - color



This is the last of the pieces I did for Spree Touring. The job was for black & white art but I couldn't resist doing them in color after the job was done. This piece was based in part on American Gothic, with the other inspiration coming from Hogan's Heroes, WWII escape movies, Chicken Run and trick riding/ supercross. The job was a ton of fun and I'm sure to miss being able to pick away at it for fun and stress relief.
Image size
800x1129px 138.79 KB
© 2008 - 2025 jvollmer
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AtarahDerek's avatar
And people say Klink and Frau Linkmeyer don't make a good couple...
...unless that's supposed to be a feminine version of Schultz. :O