VOID THEME + ICONSjuyle on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juyle/art/VOID-THEME-ICONS-306098287juyle

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This is a theme I have been working on for a few months now. I started working on it because of my distaste for the original Windows theme and the hopelessness in finding a theme I really could adopt.

It is not perfect but I am not sure if I want to spend too much time on it any more, and I think I have done an OK job so far.

-First of all you need a patched system to use this theme but I guess you knew that already, it's easy to do, but I included the Universal Theme Patcher.
-Then if you haven't already, install the, also included, Theme Resource Changer
-Copy content of the "Theme" folder from the archive in C:\Windows\Resources\Theme
-If you don't have it, install the Droid Sans font that you can find in the "Font" folder
-Double-click on the VOID.theme file. It will apply the theme.

Program Icons: I mostly made the ones that I use, but feel free to make your own using the included PSD and 7Conifier. The font I used is a Monospaced called Targa MS: [link]

System icons: So far I can only provide the .ico files that you can replace yourself in imageres.dll or use IconPackager (this software is a pile of crap though). If I have time I will make a custom imageres.dll to come with the package.

Everything looks better if you remove shadow and animations. Go to Start menu -> right click on computer -> proprieties -> advanced settings -> performance and untick shadows and animations.

I suggest you also use the Windows standard cursors. Go to Personnalize -> Change your mouse pointers, then choose "Windows Standard". If you don't have it click on "Windows Standard Large", then "None". They'll go back to Normal size.

I might create a logon screen for it as well...

Thanks to gsw953 for his help, TheBull for his WSB tutorial and creativX forum.
© 2012 - 2025 juyle
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Are you going to make this compatible for windows 8 anytime? I used this one my last laptop and loved it.