ElementaryViper Luna shell 1.2justviper on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/justviper/art/ElementaryViper-Luna-shell-1-2-261144492justviper

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justviper's avatar

ElementaryViper Luna shell 1.2



I was just finding a way to improve on elementary viper before making it usable for gnome 3.2 when i caught a glimpse DanRabbit's Luna Desktop [link] so i decided to make this because i really liked how it looked.

Update 1.1: did a few changes to make it look a little more like the actual pantheon shell.

Update 1.2: did a few changes to the dash to make it look more like plank.

NOTE: this theme uses droid sans

NOTE 2: to get this theme working with gnome 3.0.x check the read me file.

License: GPL
© 2011 - 2025 justviper
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DokFuture's avatar
can you made it for 3.8?