JustMoth on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/justmoth/art/Fourth-four-Tumblr-pics-376594584JustMoth

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Fourth four Tumblr pics!



Four more pony pics!
Here again are the pictures used on the "post-its" on my tumblr [link] at a higher resolution and without the 3D effects.

For those not following the tumblr (Do it now! [link] ), the pictures are:
- Second Hoof, Tribute, Celly, and Zingaro name their settlement (while Colt and Lemon deal with their own issues).
- Lemon being overly happy to make up for the previous picture.
- Colt tying Lemon to the bed (so she dosen't flay away in her sleep).
- Celly dealing with one of the more eccentric alicorns.

And just a reminder. I still have no drawing talent and all of these are traced over modified screen shots (mostly from Apple Family Reunion).

Also, send more questions to the Tumblr! [link]
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1000x1000px 215.96 KB
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Nyerguds's avatar
lol @ drunk alicorn xD