Firefly: Serenity Doodlejustira on DeviantArt

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Firefly: Serenity Doodle



For my daily doodle meme, where you're welcome to request something. This was done for flyboymike's request, Serenity from Firefly.

Here is the reason I don't draw tech. Ever. But I tried, Mike, I TRIED *WAILS* Plus I am a tard and you know, I couldn't just COPY off a screenshot. Oh, no. I had to get several references and draw it from a DIFFERENT angle/perspective. And refuse to use the line tool. As a result she looks kinda deformed. But hopefully recognizable?

I ended up kind of liking it, I think?


Pure Adobe CS2. I am tablet-retarded, but I tried.

Firefly (c) Joss Whedon and like, Fox and stuff >.>
Image size
1128x712px 145.39 KB
© 2006 - 2025 justira
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ElishasHope's avatar

some people's doodles!!! wow!