Neon Trash: Forgotten B-Movies of the '80sjustintcoons on DeviantArt

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Neon Trash: Forgotten B-Movies of the '80s



Cover art for MP Johnson's NEON TRASH, the third release from Weirdpunk Books.

Total inspiration from the B-flicks mentioned in this book. I spent a lot of time tracking down movie stills and eBay hunting for VHS copies of these seemingly lost films. I remember catching some of these on late night Cinemax as a kid.

Props to MP Johnson for compiling this book and hopefully someday these films can see the light of day again. Who doesn't love DINOSAUR APOCALYPSE and SORORITY CULT, am-I-right?

24 x 36" Acrylic on Canvas board.
© Copyright 2016 Justin T Coons
Image size
563x900px 1.45 MB
© 2016 - 2024 justintcoons
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Arum1966's avatar
I wish there was an alternate reality where it stayed the 80s forever and I would somehow get stranded there.