justeline on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/justeline/art/The-Dark-Traveler-II-179347404justeline

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The Dark Traveler II



You've had your last regrets
Reached your final depths
Deepest pits
Stepped aside for the world to pass you by
Chose to leave the fear...
You are stuck in a world, deadlocked.

Tristania– Deadlocked 

Left alone to disintegrate on a windblown, misty beach in Peloponnesus, haunting and haunted, broken but not yet dead, the shipwreck of Dimitrios still stands upright, a ghostly mirage condemned to travel forever through misty mornings, fiery sunsets and sunrises, through rain and thunderstorms, gloomy skies and starry nights, through time but never through space, never leaving the place that’s been eating it away for almost 30 years now.

PS This image provided the inspiration for Ol' Brave Charles Robere by SteveJones313, a wonderful deviant and great friend :)

Location: Gythio, Southern Peloponnese, Greece

tech stuff

Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Tokina 12-24mm @19mm
Aperture: f/13
Shutter Speed: 20s
ISO: 200

Hoya ND400 (9 stop ND)
Lee 3 stop ND soft graduated filter (0.9)
Image size
900x605px 403.42 KB
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