JustCallMeOli's avatar


Different people are awesome!
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Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (6)
My Bio

Hola, soy Oliver, o sólo me puedes decir Oli.
Soy de México y si estás interesado en mi arte, o simplemente te gusta, pues, puedes darme follow :) (Smile)
Pondré mis dibujos aquí poco a poco.

Yeah, It was my first day of class and well, at first was all awesome because I saw my crush when I thought we wouldn't be anymore on my school. My friend gave me back my ROTG DVD :la: I missed it so much. We and 3 friend went to Diana's house to play some kind of domino, i was all quiet because they were talking shit, even my crush, so that made me disappointed of him. When we had to go to our houses, we were walking alone, (Carlos and I) interestingly, he wasn't talking ahit anymore, which made me questioning whether we indeed talks shit or it's just when we all are together. After that he asked me if I was robbed again, which was the mo...
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Thanks for the fave!!
Thanks for the fave!5 seconds hug 
Thanks for the favs!! :)
Hey, there stranger thanks for the llama :D.How'd you find me in the first place?
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oh okay xD, you just never get stuff from random people ussally  xD
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