Feline Profile Tutorial 2.0JustAutumn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/justautumn/art/Feline-Profile-Tutorial-2-0-440831248JustAutumn

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JustAutumn's avatar

Feline Profile Tutorial 2.0


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Yeah, I need to remake all of these SO badly. So here's the revamp to my first Feline Profile Tutorial c: Remember that this is just how I do it and this is in my style. There are so many ways of doing this, and looking at actual pictures of felines as reference really helps a ton :dummy:

And if you guys want more tutorials, you can go here for the tutorials in my gallery! They'll all be revised, so check back on them if you wanna ^^

Artwork (c) JustAutumn
Image size
1155x1495px 263.66 KB
© 2014 - 2025 JustAutumn
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ButterflyFoxPlayz's avatar

This helps for drawing my cats sideways! Tq!