Use it, don't abuse it! I do my best to provide for all of the artists on DeviantArt; it's a labor of love and therefore, a form of art! RESPECT ME AND MY STOCK, PLEASE.
NOTE: my flickr account name is gypsydancer12, so some of the images will be the same as on my flickr. HOWEVER, I will tell you that not all of the images on my flickr are allowed for stock use. ONLY the ones on this account are available. Thank you.
1. Credit me with a link to my account or the original image both ON the image AND in the description if you manipulate the image if you use this off of Deviantart. A credit only in the description is needed if you're using this ONLY on Deviantart.
2. In general, my stock is unrestricted unless otherwise stated. However, I REFUSE to have my pictures used in pornographic, extremely dark or hate-related manips/reasons. If you're unsure of what is appropriate with my stock, note me and I'll let you know.
3. You're allowed to use my stock for references in traditional or digital media. I encourage such use! Just make sure you credit me in the description or on the image.
4. Do NOT critique my stock. It's annoying and if it were supposed to be critique, I would've asked; and it wouldn't be stock, now would it? If you don't like my photos, then don't use them. Don't hate on them, either. There's a line between being tactful and making helpful comments and being rude.
5. You are required to note or comment ON THE DEVIATION with your finished piece so I can see how my stock is being used. I LOVE to see what talent is using my stock! I'll favorite it to give you a /small/ chance at being exposed to the general dA public. Favoriting of the stock that you use is appreciated but not required, as I will do the same for your finished piece.
6. You are not allowed to use my stock for commercial work such as prints or other commercial purposes; that is, for REAL money; if you are using my stock for profit of money on a Sim or RP, that is perfectly okay as long as you provide proper credit.
7. If you are in need of a specific pose, picture, or texture, just note me and ask! I may not be able to do all requests and have every right to deny a request, but it doesn't hurt to try.
10. You are not allowed to use my stock off of Deviantart for commercial purposes for REAL money. Game money, however, such as HDD (houndism dollars) or FPD (furry-paws dollars) are acceptable. THIS DOES NOT APPLY DO GAMES OR CONTESTS ON THESE GAMES WHICH CAN BE WON WITH REAL MONEY. You also may not make use prints with my stock unless you have my EXPRESS permission.
11. You are NOT allowed to make stock out of my stock, or edit it and repost it for use by the public ANYWHERE, unless you obtain express written permission from me.
12. Generally, my stock is unrestricted. If you are using my stock outside of DeviantArt, I specifically REQUIRE you to note me with your finished piece, as well as including the link where the finished art is located. You must also provide credit to my stock account or in similar fasion, ON THE IMAGE. If you are using my stock strictly on DeviantArt, credit is appreciated on the picture but not required. It is, however, REQUIRED in the description.
RULES MAY BE UPDATED, so please check back to keep yourself updated. Policies may be changed at any time without warning.
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Stock Usage Policies
4 min read
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