Jumei on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jumei/art/Lifebringer-162676310Jumei

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

May 9, 2010
Lifebringer by =Jumei "The Atmosphere in this piece really displays a gorgeous use of an earthy color palette. So sophisticated, and clean. Brilliant work here!
Featured by Quelfabulous
Suggested by ARTOONATOR
Jumei's avatar




A sphinx-like creature who brings life to earth.

You can like me on Facebook of you enjoy my art: [link]
Image size
902x655px 310.01 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Jumei
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I run a tumblr blog where I showcase artwork by various artists that I like.
I'm writing to tell you that this deviation of yours has been featured there. You can see it right at the top of the page.

It is fully credited and linked to your page, both in the description of the post and in the tags, so that it can be found through a search for your name. Still, I want to make sure you are okay with having it there.

Hope you have a nice day!