Fish Theft: Subaquatic editionJulio-Lacerda on DeviantArt

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Fish Theft: Subaquatic edition



I was surprised to see that Hesperornis could be almost as big as the average human, wich also puts it around the same size as a female Pteranodon (minus the latter's wingspan). Following recent research on pterosaurian competence underwater, here's a female Pteranodon being harassed by two much more agile Hesperornis into giving up on her fish.

I like to think that Pteranodons were jerks on the air, using their size to bully the smaller Nyctosaurus and Ichthyornis like modern day Frigatebirds. But underwater they were probably pretty helpless and the tables would turn!

You can see more of my work, including sketches and WIPs, on my Facebook page and Tumblr.

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