SorrowJulia-Aurora on DeviantArt

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Follow me on Tumblr! I tend post my paintings earlier there than on DA =P [link]


Finally had the time to do some painting again, which resulted in a quick study of emotions :) Painted this in arout 2-3 hours.

I'll try to paint more full-body paintings when I have the time, life is so busy nowadays!
Image size
486x690px 147.53 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Julia-Aurora
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HI Julia! I am so glad i tracked you down as the artist to this piece. It had just come up on google images - I wanted to ask you if it's alright with you for me to use this as a TEMPORARY poster for my film. I will have the actress photographed and an artist turn that into an illustration but for now i would really like to use this as a base for what I am going for. Please let me know as soon as you can! Thank you- and it's absolutely magnificent!