Jujika on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jujika/art/The-Workstation-2-19440784Jujika

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Daily Deviation

November 16, 2008
The Workstation 2 by ~Jujika is amazing. It shows what the artist nowadays has to work with, in an exalted manner. A tablet, music, video games, and coffee...It really shows what is going on!
Featured by cosmosue
Suggested by afro-D-Z-ak
Jujika's avatar

The Workstation 2



Photoshop cs and Painter 8
Image size
1000x859px 673.95 KB
© 2005 - 2024 Jujika
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GrigLars's avatar

I have to say, this piece of art has been with me since 2005: as the wallpaper on every smartphone I have ever owned.   It took me a while to find the artist, and I am glad I did.