I apologize for not answering any comments nor uploading any new stuff for ages. If you wish to see my newest work, you should head on to my blog: http://iwillnamethislater.blogspot.com/Thanks!
I started a new photoblog couple of days ago: http://iwillnamethislater.blogspot.com/ Please, check it out!Tell me what you think about it? Is it worth reading? Perhaps I should write in english since there isn't much text? C&C!Have a great summer! :w00t:
Stumbled across your page the other day and was really impressed by your work. So we decided to feature you as our featured artist on BeautifullyUgly.com. Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the good work!
On behalf of Grand-Photography, I'd like to invite you to join us as a member. I've seen some of your works, and I find that you're perfectly fit for our new group which specializes in professional photography.
Note: contributor positions are also available.. if interested send a request with information why we should choose you.
If you're interested then don't hesitate to join through the following [link]