KirsteKallunki - FrankieCarterJuggertha on DeviantArt

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Juggertha's avatar

KirsteKallunki - FrankieCarter



Some peices flow like butter, others get stuck like molasses... this one was the later. I sketched it out a number of times and kept "almost" getting it. Either they were too big or too small or the colors just weren't right.


The characters were well thought out and I really wanted to do them justice.

I'm hoping that this final rendition at least comes close.

One thing I learned - trying a back-lit piece with dark suited characters is tough.

Edited this a bit. Added a different colorization to the figures from the background to make them pop. And also changed the perspective on the BG a bit.
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2400x2800px 638.05 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Juggertha
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kayjkay's avatar
Yo Juggy, just keep on drawin the women, you'll get better as you go. That's the problem with art, it's easy to make big muscley guys, but women are a lot harder.

So I'm thinkin, that one of the things that could make this a more awesome piece, would be to take out the names from under their feet, and add them to the black frame on the outside instead by making the top and bottom sides bigger. Then you'd get this cool poster-like quality about the piece that would definitely be spiffy.