Juggertha on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juggertha/art/Juggertha-Civil-War-50986112Juggertha

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Juggertha's avatar

Juggertha - Civil War



This is a painting done over line art by
I'm really hoping to put all the techniques I've learned over the past few months into this one.

I'll be updating as I go, so stay tuned!


I've decided to change a couple of small points on the original lines... can you spot the changes?

Original lines [link]

Any other changes you guys would suggest?


I'm trying something different with the tattoos this time. I'm going to just "copy" the skin layer, and then cut away what should be the tattoo shapes. Then, change the colors, hues, and hopefully have something close to what I want.


Finally finished... or at least for tonight. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but I really need to get the different effects of brushes down.

Sorry in advance to any Cap fans.

And thanks again to for the original lines.
Image size
4365x3274px 1.46 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Juggertha
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Quel2many's avatar
Im a fan of the big guy and little cap...n a big fan of paint over lines...