Juggertha on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juggertha/art/Day-and-Night-62539123Juggertha

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Day and Night



As soon as I started thinking about this piece, I had something special in mind. I liked this pic of Supes and Bats [link] and wanted to do something similar. Then along came these two.

John Talbot: Magic Energy/Energy Blaster [link]
This haunted and broken ex-astronaut was given amazing energy-based powers, a new physique and a new life by a 'shard' fragment of Reality's ancient restoration and maintenance device, The Source Stone. Co-Founder and Earth-based Commander of Paragon's 'The Cerulean Legion', a small team of self-appointed "space-cops" also empowered The Source Stone. Husband of Legion Honor Guard Kirste Kallunki. Half-brother of StormForce's Frankie Carter.

The Hornet: Science Martial Arts/Regeneration Scrapper [link]
Master detective, hero, inventor, world class martial artist and 5th Column sleeper agent. This King's Row protector loves barbeque pork sandwiches (with extra pickles and mustard), strawberry-rhubarb pie, robots and his beautiful little dark mutant girlfriend, Frankie Carter. ...Oh yeah, and he's also a clone of the schizophrenic assassin, Recoil. Former owner of the now-defunct heroes-for-hire business, Operatives Inc. Current co-leader of the Steel Canyon-based supergroup StormForce's special operations unit.

This was fun to do and turned out almost exactly how I wanted it. Now, let's hope the creator likes it as much.
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3000x2200px 1.51 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Juggertha
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Franchize72's avatar
Cool looking piece. Man! I miss COH. Blaster was my favorite type.