Juffs on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/juffs/art/Lion-King-Paper-Montage-220280540Juffs

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LionKingStorytellers's avatar

Lion King Paper Montage



Congratulations everyone! The Paper Montage is finally completed! The question ‘What will your character do with a sheet of paper?’ is well and truly answered by the Lion King artists of the group.

We hope you enjoyed this and look forward to your participation in our next group-wide project!

Can you spot the collaboration within this collaboration between two of the frames?

Artists and their characters:

Ahadi ~Flameshadow117
Banzai *Naomias123
Chumvi ~Whimsy33
Dotty *raptures-revenge
Ed ~ChibiFred
Kiara ~Flameshadow117
King Joe ~AtomicIceCream
Kopa *sailorharmony2000
Kovu ~Oncoming-Storm
Kula *raptures-revenge
Malka: *Rinjapine
Mheetu *KashimusPrime
Mohatu *tardis101
Muffy ~Atarial
Nala *Artistic-Demise
Ni ~KanuTGL
Nuka ~ArtemisCreed
Pumbaa ~remusasriel
Rafiki ~Anga-cosmos
Sarabi ~Oncoming-Storm
Sarafina ~nocks
Scar *Artistic-Demise
Shenzi *Naomias123
Simba: ~TLK-Ileana
Spotty ~BlackAngel1996
Tama ~XXXXPhoenixXXXX
Timon ~WingsofaButterfly202
Tojo =Nollaig
Tojo's birds *Juffs
Uru !Cherry-95
Vitani ~LionessIsoke
Zazu ~Atarial
Zira ~Saeralsti
Zuzu *Naomias123


(Background sourced from the Lion King movies)
Image size
1515x2554px 1.4 MB
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ArtemisCreed's avatar
It looks awesome :D
Everyone's done such a great job, well done all :)