[Open/1LEFT ] Adoptables! 5$ {001}judeadopts on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/judeadopts/art/Open-1LEFT-Adoptables-5-001-411533697judeadopts

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judeadopts's avatar

[Open/1LEFT ] Adoptables! 5$ {001}



 :iconupdateplz: #1 - SOLD to AmberTheSatyr       #2 - OPEN  

   small heart - redpink Price is 5$
   small heart - redpink PayPal only!
   small heart - redpink Claim by comment.
   small heart - redpink After claiming please send me payment within 24 hours. (I'll send you my paypal via note.)
   small heart - redpink You may not resell, claim the art as your own, or claim the original design as your own.
   small heart - redpink You can trade or gift it, just note me about it.
   small heart - redpink You can change design/gender/name etc as you want.
   small heart - redpink You will receive bigger (this one is about 60%) version without watermark and with transparent background
Image size
560x600px 520.42 KB
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AmberTheSatyr's avatar
may I have #1? ' v '