Dune: Fremenjubjubjedi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jubjubjedi/art/Dune-Fremen-269413002jubjubjedi

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jubjubjedi's avatar

Dune: Fremen



I've been re-reading the original Dune series again and was inspired to do some Fremen fighting Sardaukar. The Sardaukar is based on Jean-Giraud Moebius' design for the aborted Jodorowsky Dune project.

The Fremen are probably getting worried about all the spilled water/wasted blood at this point LOL.
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Mechaniz's avatar

It always confused me why stillsuits never included a full mouth and nose covering. Whenever you breathe, you lose water, and given how the Fremen are so concerned with water loss; this always felt like an oversight. I think this would be how the Fremen would actually look. Increadible work.