Tagged by: :iconhiredhand: :iconkurisama: & :iconMattMoylan:
I don't usually participate in these things, but I was tagged by very good friends. Sorry for posting so late MM.
Here we go:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person should post 8 aleatory facts of themselves.
3. Tagged people should write a journal/blog about these facts.
4. In the end tag and name 8 people.
5. Go to their DA pages and comment saying that they are tagged and hugged.8 Random facts:
1. Huge MMA fan (UFC & Pride (R.I.P.)). Probably spent a thousand bucks to date, on PPVs.
2. CSI fan (Vegas) + AFV, TUF, UFN.
3. Love cars but hate driving.
4. Seems to be the only ...