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Batman design by Daniel Araya [link]
Let me know what you think!
Jeremy Roberts
Freelance Digital Artist
In re "Danny Wap Bang": Victor Stone/Cyborg CANNOT STILL be a teenager, after forty-two years on the DC Scene! My objection to Cyborg has nothing to do with his race, or his age, but with his lack of originality. He is a weak knockoff of Marvel's Deathlok the Demolisher, who preceeded Cyborg by a good six years on the comics scene, and who was, as a matter of fact, directly inspired by television's 'The Six Million Dollar Man'- that's right! And besides, if Cyborg is on the JLA, who is paying the bills at Titans Tower-?? Remember, the Teen Titans actually operate off of a charter established by Cyborg's late father, Dr. Silas Stone, an Elon Musk/Richard Branson/Jeff Bezos type physicist/philanthropist. The late Dr. Stone left the trust in the care of his son, who has historically used it to fund the Teen Titans and their various activities, same as the Maria Stark Foundation underwrites the Avengers. So-shouldn't Cyborg be back at Titans Tower, cutting the checks-?? Also- Superman and Batman need to be back in their respective bloomers, because it just looks better, and they are a time-honored superhero trope. Finally, I am with "SonSilvShad18"- where is AQUAMAN???!!! He is 1) The King of the Seven Seas 2) A charter member of the League, and 3) The planet is STILL two-thirds ocean, so the League needs Aquaman!! ( and by the same logic, the Titans need Tempest, by Neptune!! ) So, there!! Thank you, and have a very Brady day!