JPHazen's avatar


John P Hazen
20 Watchers75 Deviations
  • Nov 19
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (30)
My Bio

Current Residence: NEO
Favourite genre of music: Death/Doom Metal
Favourite style of art: Illustration/Airbrush
MP3 player of choice: Zen
Favourite cartoon character: Garfield
Personal Quote: We do not fear what we believe false to be true, we fear what we believe true to be false.

Favourite Visual Artist
A few (shirow masamune, royo, frazetta,hildebrandt brothers)
Favourite Movies
Krull, the Crow, Legend, Forbidden Planet, Highlander, King Arthur, Excalibur
Favourite TV Shows
Rome, Deadwood, Sparticus, Game of Thrones, M*A*S*H, Stargate Universe, Babylon 5
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Boltthrower, Arch Enemy, Suicidal Tendencies, Lamb of God, SkinLab, CelticFrost
Favourite Books
Morigu:the Desecration, Dragonrealms (Knaak), The Riftwar Cycle (Feist), Deathdealer novels (Frazetta/Silk)
Favourite Writers
Blake (most of the romantics), Feist, Knaak, Niles, Hambly, Lowder, and a ton of others
Favourite Games
Risk, Titan, Warhammer, Dragonlords
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
PC, Trackball, and waiting on a damn Cintiq
Other Interests
Art, Photography, Writing, Music that punches you in the gut.
So I was looking at my profile and see that I haven't updated a journal in quite some time, not that a lot of people read them anyway but I figured I should probably update it just the same. So it has been a stupidly horrible few months. I lost a close friend and almost a month to the day later lost my uncle. So working on art or anything has been the farthest from my mind of late.That all being said, I managed to attend All AmeriCon 5 in Warren, OH at the beginning of the month. The show was great, each year it just get bigger and better. Got to meet Darryl Banks and Jim Steranko. Looking forward to next year.Also in the works is the gami...
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For any watching that might be interested:Undercity Game Fair 2013.Artists and merchandise vendors are being sought for participation in the second annual Undercity Game Fair planned for Saturday, September 14th.The event will be held in Youngstown State University's Kilkawley Center, Chestnut room, One University Plaza, Youngstown Ohio 44555The events hours are from 10am to 9pm (doors open for set up at 9am).Due to the convention's growth, additional vendor spots are available. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Vendor table cost is $40 per table ($30 for YSU student organizations) Artist table cost is $40 per table...
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Finally got the event set up for this year. I am looking for Artist and Vendors so if your interested let me know. More info can be found here:'s september, the sun is finally starting to become forgiving from the dog days of August, the hint of fall is in the air, and the sound of dice and cards are echoing from below the city streets. The Undercity Game Fair is calling! Come join us for a day of gaming and adventure.When: September 1st, 2012 from 10am till 9pm. Where: Kilcawley Center (Chestnut Room) Youngstown State University One University Plaza Youngstown, OH 44555
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Profile Comments 104

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Hi! I'm a Hazen as well. I love metal too!
very kewl, always fun to meet a name-kin.
Hello ≧◡≦ I will be moving to :iconadorkablebabe: Have a nice day lovely :heart:
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for watch :) (Smile)