EQD: Artist Training Grounds 4 Day 4 Snow AngelJoyfulInsanity on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/joyfulinsanity/art/EQD-Artist-Training-Grounds-4-Day-4-Snow-Angel-498577366JoyfulInsanity

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EQD: Artist Training Grounds 4 Day 4 Snow Angel


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*Luna walks down a snowy field*

*A small light appears behind her*

SnowDrop: "hehe hey Luna look, a snow angel!

*Luna turns around, gasps and tears up*

*Snowdrop smiles*

Snowdrop: "Oh c'mon Luna cheer up, how many times do Celestia and I have to tell you to stop crying."


Draw a "pony stepping up/looking down."

This somewhat counts right? We're just going to say it counts and it'll be known as a fact.

This idea came right after making the previous ATG post (#3)
So enough of these two now, we'll be using other ponies for the next EQD ATGs.
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1000x666px 439.74 KB
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Creativa-Artly01's avatar

Imma cry 😭😭😭