Featured Freebie from Feb. 2015 - TWO :)JoyfulHeartDesigns on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/joyfulheartdesigns/art/Featured-Freebie-from-Feb-2015-TWO-530882333JoyfulHeartDesigns

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JoyfulHeartDesigns's avatar

Featured Freebie from Feb. 2015 - TWO :)



✿ Featured Freebie {Feb. 2015} - TWO includes five papers, 12x12 inches, 300dpi, digital .jpg format :) (Smile)  This is one of two freebies from Feb. 2015 - I thought I would bring it over here, as well - enjoy! ✿

My updated TOU:

These graphics are for personal use and limited commercial use.

What you CAN do with these:

  • Scrap 4 Hire: creating scrapbooking layouts, albums, cards for pay.
  • Blog and Site Design.
  • Cards, calendars, various physical hybrid projects for sale, but only when mixed with other design elements. You are not allowed to take one of my papers and use it as-is on sites such as Zazzle.

What you CANNOT do with these:

  • Create your own digital scrapbooking products for sale.
  • Use these graphics as-is without combining them with other design elements.
  • Claim these graphics as your own.

If you have any questions email me: jenn.howland AT gmail.com

♥ Would you like to receive freebies and exclusive coupons? ♥ If so, sign up for the Joyful Heart Designs newsletter: eepurl.com/dqeBP and like me on FaceBook:www.facebook.com/JoyfulHeartDe… :) (Smile)

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marya149's avatar

Please download  for these swell PPs??