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JowyB's avatar

Waiting to see just how your be



Here we go again folks and another season of Horse.

And I must say after having watched the premiere twice I am very interested  to see where the show takes us. 

Also I really like what they have done with starlight glimmer when I consider last season when she was the villain. I kind of get a Sunset Shimmer redemption vibe from her If you get what I mean.

Any way not sure if I will do season 6 images as detailed or as elaborate as this ^^; but I will aim to to do some kind of image related to each episodes also Title cards will be a big possibility. ;)

WIP: Waiting to see just how your be WIP by Jowybean

Until next deviation LATERS Bronies :peace:

Check out my FIM title card project… new card coming very soon.

painted in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom Pro in 18 hours

Is this Cute :meow: Win :winner: Fail :crying:
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2480x3508px 6.57 MB
© 2016 - 2024 JowyB
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GJ301's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

Well I must say that your season six drawings started off with a bang! One of your greatest gifts is showing great attention to detail. With this drawing, you've exercised that strength more than ever! I adore the way you designed the buildings and the castle! Every window, every rooftop, every square inch of these buildings were given great exquisite detail. Every single paint stroke matters, because each one gives life and magic to the object it's a part of. It feels like I've entered a fantasy world like Fantasia or something. When I enter a magical empire, this is what I expect to see. As usual, the shading and coloring is extremely vibrant, and gives the illustration a sense of wonder.

But I think my favorite aspect of the drawing are the looks on Starlight and Sunburst's faces. They have been through many obstacles since childhood. One of them experienced failure and has been trying to mask that insecurity for the longest time, and the other is trying to live down all the many wrongdoings she has committed. They felt as if they are never going to achieve atonement. However, that all changes after they saved the Crystal Empire from an eternal winter, and now they are more than happy to have righted the wrongs. Just observe the way they stare at the castle giving off auroras. They are just so proud of how they were able to redeem themselves. They can put the past behind them, because they are now certified heroes. It makes me smile just as much as them. On top of that, I appreciate the decision to have them as the only ponies being shown, because really, this is more of an accomplishment for them than it is for any other character.

My only complaint about this piece is that the coloring is way too bright. It can get pretty tough on the eyes. But aside form that, I think this illustration is fantastic. It has gorgeous exterior design I've ever seen you draw, and it showcases the emotions of two characters we've come to cherish. I may have reviewed this months after the season premiered, but it's still motivating me to check out what other portraits you made for this season. Keep up the tremendous work, Jowybean!