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The Exterior of History



An illustration i entered for a national creative competition but i doubt it was picked so i think it will not hurt to post it on this account.=D

I used this as a test at my line quality and tonal value in BaW overlaying. ;p inspired by the etching artist Gustave Dore

The final still looks rough at edges :( but seems at an appropriate standard for me to improve on.

Not a very in-depth description ^^; quite lame. but i am sure some DA viewers will find this blend of animation and reality engaging (the theme and concept i want the visual side of my practice to become, inspired by Todd Schorr’s paintings really).;) :love:

this image does have a message and narrative but is quite Convoluted.:?

Like it:blowkiss:hate it :police: its up to you not marmite :dummy:
Image size
3513x4961px 3.82 MB
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that's it i give up.
explain this, now.