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WOW WEE Its been over a week since i last uploaded anything to DA and this new pony piece should explain what type of media i have been spending my free time on after work.
since i released the poll i put out about recommendations for other anime at the start of last month i have been watching a lot of it.
little bit of insight in to my long term goals I plan to go to japan or live there in the near future and not just because of the Oaktu culture japan is a country of wonder amazing history and magic. i

Anyway enough day dreaming
Heres who each of the mane 6 are supposed to be based on my fav shows as of now.

Some i feel personally suit the characters personalities well others i did for the lols because its fun cosplaying ponys. 

Rarity - Lina Inverse (The Slayers)
RD - Konata lucky star (
that show is so relaxing to watch and makes me smilie

Princess Twilght - Rally Vincent (GunSmith Cats) (one of my all time fav mangas and Rally is one of my fav comic female characters as well because she's a bad ass)
Spike should really be obvious but its Spike from Cowboy Bebop HA get it XD

Pinkie pie - Haruhi-Suzumiya (could you imagine if we ever got these two crazies together the world really would be doomed) (fun fact her band on her arm says fun or "Tanoshii" in japanese)
AJ - Balsa (Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit)
Fluttershy Lain in her iconic bear pyjamas (Serial Experiments Lain)
have no fear bronies i will get back on coruse with ponies and title cards check out the series here…
Until next deviation LATERS Bronies
Drawn in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom tablet 5
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its up to you not marmite

oh if you want do leave me any other ramdon anime shows of any gerne in your comments so i can continue this trend go right ahead. 

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