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Mill Hill



If any one remembers the PS2 Herdy Gerdy i was listening to the OST :) and felt inspired to create this clam secnic pony piece as i listened to it.

Also I was taking in inspiration from the old masters use of colour and detail to try a less vibrant approach to the paintings setting. its supposed to be a random abandoned windmill  outside of the ponyville area i thought it was an adorable idea that the  CMCs would go off exploring with Fluttershy. :hug:

fun fact this was my first time drawing semi real ducks ^^; XD i need to get better at drawing real animals.  :roll: :eager:  

Check out my FIM title card project…

Until next deviation LATERS Bronies :peace:

painted in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom Pro in 5 hours

 Like it:blowkiss:hate it :police: its up to you not marmite :dummy: 

Image size
2480x3508px 5.24 MB
© 2014 - 2024 JowyB
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Aww, this is beautiful. It feels so calm to me. I wanna go for a stroll there :)