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JowyB's avatar

Its called A hustle



I saw Zooptopia / Zootropolis yesterday, and it was honestly one of the best animated movies I have seen in a while =D, really interesting world, likeable characters and a host of  funny scenes :giggle:. Certainly a film and world I would be interested in returning too in my art in the future.

I recommend you make time to watch it at some point 

Do not worry this piece dose not contain any major spoilers I only included a side character the friendly obese police cheetah 
Benjamin Clawhauser, He was one of my favourites. =D

Its called A hustle WIP by Jowybean 

painted in photoshop CS6 with a wacom tablet pro in 7 hours

Until next deviation LATERS :peace:

Like it:blowkiss:hate it :police: its up to you not marmite :dummy: 

Image size
4961x3508px 8.9 MB
© 2016 - 2024 JowyB
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xiao668's avatar
This has to be the best Zootopia fan art I've ever seen!