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Beanie Mind overload



New Year means a new chapter in Jowybeans career which is looking very exciting I know half way through 2017 I started to lack in mlp content that I was known to produce so quickly and at a high quality but I am sure I am not done with  exploring the world of Equestria yet in my work (I have a new world piece I Am eager to finish before the end of the first week in jan) . But Wherever 2018 takes me  I hope you will continue to enjoy and be inspired by my creativity. 

My two contrasting pony ocs are Beanie Draw and Prune Juice I Plan to use them in con promotions and maybe for general silliness. 

 Until next deviation LATERS Bronies Peace 

Painted in Photoshop CS6 with my Wacom pro in 5 hours

Like it:blowkiss:hate it :police: its up to you not marmite :dummy:

Image size
1068x1348px 896.04 KB
© 2018 - 2024 JowyB
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se3564ei7r68i's avatar
the super-excited mind-blown pony oc is beanie draw right??????????????????????????????????????????????????????