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Daily Deviation

January 11, 2009
aslan by ~jovee. From the suggester: "Aslan is wonderful character from Chronicles of Narnia. Wonderful idea for the work. Beautiful details and hair! Amazing work. "
Featured by aunjuli
Suggested by SandyLynx
jovee's avatar




this really took me a lot of time to finish... i could have been able to submit this yesterday if didn't accidentally closed the file without saving... i almost cried coz i'm already done with half of the face but im thankful now that its finished... finally...

the WIP is in the scraps now (in case you're looking for it) im sorry that i also failed to save the PSD file for that WIP now its really pixelated coz i always reduce the quality when im uploading to the internet...

im really happy with this... lol..


THANK YOU is all i can say for the warm welcome for ASLAN... sorry, i can't answer each of your comments, i have a client today and i have to finish something until Wednesday, some of the most common questions i might be able to:

the program im using is Photoshop CS2 i have no plans upgrading just yet, the software costs too much... i still have to save for the other 2 pens... thanks for noting that i should use silvery fur at the edge of the face and less white, i'll make room for improvement, i always learn from all of you...

the brush options used were the most basic brushes, like i said i tried customizing brush but i just doesn't suit me for the mean time coz i can't use it effectively that's for more advanced Photoshop users, im still amateur in that field, but im reading alot of books to help me learn... any tips where i could find a good tutorial? anyway, the size of each fur (ahh yes, i drew each of the fur, insane!!!) is 1px point, some of the most advanced users may be crying that i did all that, without knowing and making the most out of the program im using (be patient with me if im acting like a baby with the program you're already an expert) c'mon, everyone starts from the beginning, and in each step you take, you learn shortcuts in the future, instead of telling me that, why not suggest kindly how i should improve it and you'll be greatly appreciated and loved...

the resolution is 300dpi original size i feel lazy looking into i'd be back when im sure but approximately 3300x 2500 i guess...

it took me 3 excruciating days to finish it... and my butt hurts now for all the sitting... but waking up in the morning and seeing all those comments and favorites - very rewarding and heart-warming... thanks everyone GOD bless
Image size
1000x750px 443.38 KB
© 2009 - 2024 jovee
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RiskyRelic's avatar

Aslan...One of most characterstics and coolest lion's in Universe :)