Cleaning up lines tutorialjoulee on DeviantArt

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Cleaning up lines tutorial



Edit: Part II (digital inking) now available!: [link]
Also, eyes tutorial: [link]

Starring Cloud from Advent Children! =D (see... told you I was in a bizarre ffvii mood)

Yes, I know that sometimes sketches are Never So Clean as they are in this case... I'll talk about digital inking sometime in the near future in another tutorial. But this is for those who sketch cleanly or who go back and clean up their pencil sketch by erasing and redrawing the lines. =)

Feedback appreciated! (was it clear? more/less detail? What other stuff would you like to see?)

Other tutorials which may or may not be of interest:

Skin and eyes in photoshop [link]
Clothing and lace [link]
Hair in Photoshop [link]
Hair in Painter [link]
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refa23's avatar
Bery love😀😉