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My Second Daily Deviation
Thank you so much
This morning, after a long period away from here, I logged in just to have a very pleasant surprise. I got my second Daily Deviation. And it was such a wonderful happening for several reasons.
First and above all, because all the wonderful comment you guys wrote. It's so precious and special when someone writes you a comment telling how that image makes them feel and you see that's exactly what you tried to show the world.
Second, because I am very disappointed and lost about my art at the moment. So, maybe now I can find my muse again and come back creating and be as active as I used to be at dA. I just wish I could come
Featured and Featuring
Featured !!! DZ E-Magazine
Its been a while I dont update my journal and I am glad I have some good news to share with you guys this time. I was interviewed and had some of my works featured by DZ E-Magazine. I am so happy, especially when I saw the edition and found some of my favorite artists from dA there too. Can you imagine it? My works featured among those amazing artists?
If you dont know the Magazine yet, I strongly advise you to take a peek. They make a wonderful design job, the magazine is visually beautiful and easy to deal with, the works selected are just stunning and you got good music as a bonus.
DZ E-Magaz
Worst climatic tragedy in Brazil history - PLEASE
Dramatic Video
Hi people.
I how I have been absent lately. Maybe later I will make another journal talking about my reasons for doing that, but this time I feel like talking about a serious problem we are facing here in Brazil and international media is not notifying properly.
Like other countries, we have been suffering with heavy rains and floods. But, unlike other countries, Brazil does not have an emergencies plan to help the people and avoid deaths. Up to know, more than 600 people lost their life and thousands lost their homes. Whole towns were devasted. Its the worst climatic tragedy in Brazil history.
The link bellow is from
Life is our most precious gift
Upside heels
Well, its so interesting how things work, doesnt it? Life can turn upside heels in no time. I have faced some of these situations in the past and now again. Some of you may have noticed that I just disappeared from dA lately. This time it was due to something more than lack of inspiration. One day, I was working and felt an awful pain. I was drove to the hospital and to my amazement I was informed I had some health problem I never suspect and need a surgery immediately. I had to go that moment, and had no chance to let my family know what I was facing or even to talk to them. I was all alone. It was one of the most t
© 2011 - 2024 Josiane-Rey
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Thank you so very very much for the feature!
I am sorry for my late replay.
I am sorry for my late replay.