I feel good!!! Thachan, thachan, thachan, thachan!

7 min read

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Josiane-Rey's avatar

OMG!!! I got a DD

I am still in shock!!! My latest work got a DD today!!! :faint:

And it was so funny the way I discovered it. I opened dA this morning and started seeing some beautiful art for the front page when my eyes flicked through the bottom where DD's are showed. I quickly moved to another page and then I though: "Hey! Wait a moment. There is something familiar in there!". And them I came back and look better. My next though was "What my work is doing among the DD's?".  Just after all that I understood and screamed. People here though I was crazy :giggle:

I'd like to say huge thanks for Natalia-Luz who suggested it, kuschelirmel who featured it and those wonderful friends, and watchers that support my work.

Under the Cover of the Rain
Under the Cover of the Rain by Josiane-Rey

OMG!!! I got the most beautiful gift ever!!!

Another wonderful surprise was a stunning gift from the amazing CherishedMemories

Waiting at Heaven's Door

Fran, thank you so much for this stunning gift, it really warm my heart and put tears in my eyes. Your friendship is very special for me.

Featuring !!! Beautiful art made by beautiful people

I always make a small feature showing beautiful art, made by beautiful people. Some of them are a constant source of inspiration for me, some are a constant source of encouragement and others are kind, supportive, and talented among so many qualities. So, if you are featured here, be sure you played an important role in my dA life.

With no further ado, here are the features:


Utopia Criativa - Designing Stories by Robot-H3ro If Forever was Just a Word by Aelathen :thumb244547898: Imagination by ebtihalien The Magic of the Rose by mysolitaryground Fragile by DesignbyKatt Friendship by ElenaDudina The Reflecting God by lady-amarillis :thumb244628731: Mother Nature by SilentPlea Room full of Sunshine by xeena-dragonkizz Dawn of New Beginnings by IdaLarsenArt Lady of the Lake by Phatpuppyart-Studios Daughter of the Lake by FenneArts The Unthinkable Wish by LevanaTempest Play Minstrel Play by Iribel :thumb217502650: Broken by CindysArt :thumb134801220:

© 2011 - 2024 Josiane-Rey
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CindysArt's avatar
Thank you so very very much for the feature!
I am sorry for my late replay.