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Learning to Draw - Day 7 - Person 2



The last person turned out pretty bad, so I tried to draw the same person again. I'm much more satisfied with this one than the last one. I started of by drawing the stubble and the hair, giving an outline of the face that I was extremely happy with. Unfortunately, I drew the mouth too high, so I had to 'raise' the stubble, making him like he has a beard stretching over the neck (when I meant it to me very short. I focused on getting the hands right, and they turned out much better than on the last page. I also tried to split the arms and elbows into two sections, separated by the knee/elbow. Like on the last page, I tried and failed to draw the separation between the shirt and the pants, so I changed it into a belt. You can still see the crease marks (which look like stink lines coming out of his crotch) around where the bottom of the shirt was.

I also tried to add shading to the drawing. At first I was making one side of him light and the other dark, but then I realised when I was on the second leg that both legs would have a light and dark side, so I had to try to fix that. The knees are also facing outwards, which is weird - and I just noticed that the foot on his right (our left) leg is facing the wrong direction.

This page took me 19 minutes, and was drawn on the 16th of January, 2016.

I've now uploaded everything I've drawn so far. I didn't get around to drawing on the 12th (day 3), and I haven't drawn anything today yet; so maybe I'll upload more this afternoon. Up until now, I have been drawing for a total of 7 hours and 25 minutes.  I feel like my shading has improved slightly, but I don't think my ability to draw shapes or figures has improved at all just yet. I'm still a very early beginner, so maybe that's to be expected.

Any feedback will be appreciated.
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© 2016 - 2024 JoshuaMatulin
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