Figures - Day 320 - Learning to DrawJoshuaMatulin on DeviantArt

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Figures - Day 320 - Learning to Draw



Once again, I did some figure drawing exercises from this site. In each section, the images were shown for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and 2 minutes respectively.

I received some advice that I should:
1) Draw the line of action as a single, smooth 'c' shape.
2) Attach the legs to the sides of the hips, instead of connecting them to the line of action.
I tried to follow this advice when drawing this page.

This page took me 14 minutes to draw. It was drawn on the 24th of November, 2016, and was the second of three pages drawn that night.

Any feedback or advice would be appreciated.
Image size
2392x3096px 2.69 MB
© 2016 - 2024 JoshuaMatulin
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