The Great Reef Serpent 1JoshDykgraaf on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

July 12, 2011
The suggestor says: "The Great Reef Serpent 1 by *Dahoota is epic on many levels, it is incredibly detailed and comes alive off the screen."
Featured by kuschelirmel
Suggested by JesusCareaga
JoshDykgraaf's avatar

The Great Reef Serpent 1



See part 2: [link]

This is a commissioned piece for Townsville City Council, if you're in Townsville a 3 metre tall version will be up in the new Flinders Central in the coming days :)

Thanks to consecutive mining booms, the only deep water port along the great barrier reef and Tourism, Townsville is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. A lot of people hate on Townsville, I lived here for a couple years and I quite liked it, particularly the tropical climate. With all this growth and wealth coming into the city quite a bit of money is being spent on developing the culture and art scene in the city as well. I have tried to show these aspects in my work.

This was a difficult project for a few reasons, firstly the required canvas size. Also Townsville lacks the long and rich history that many of the other cities in other countries I have done in this style in the past have. There is some very interesting architecture going up and a lot of distinctive Queensland architecture, but not a lot that is unique to the city.

Thanks to Alan Junior [link] for help collecting imagery of the city.

All stock of Townsville and sky imagery by Alan and myself.

Underwater Great Barrier Reef imagery used with permission by Michelle Moore: [link]

Photoshop and C4D
Image size
1000x2704px 2.48 MB
© 2011 - 2025 JoshDykgraaf
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