The Dutch ContraptionJoshDykgraaf on DeviantArt

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JoshDykgraaf's avatar

The Dutch Contraption



Part 1: Hamburg: [link]
Part 2 Frankfurt: [link]
Part 3: Munich: [link]
Part 5: Nuremberg [link]

Part four of my Bachelor series looking at looking at German Urban Landscape and my experiences of the cities here, this one is based on Amsterdam.

OBVIOUSLY Amsterdam is NOT in Germany but a combination of events conspired to me doing this city in the place of Berlin: primarily that the weather was crap and I simply could not get enough stock of Berlin to make an effective image, then didn't have enough time and money to get back there. Generally I need multiple shots of around 100 or so buildings to give me enough options for a viable image.

Amsterdam was a fun city, probably my personal favourite so far in Europe - on top of that when I went there originally it was during the Football/Soccer World Cup and the place was drowning in the colour Orange. The Dutch are incredibly passionate about football and their team, The Oranje. There was seriously funky Architecture there too.

The other things you notice about the city is that there are so many bicycles there (apparently there is 1.6 bicycles for every person in the Netherlands) and the fields and fields of wind turbines everywhere surrounding the city.

The result is a wind powered vehicle-city that moves about on thousands of bicycles and likes to hang buildings out over open space unsupported =P

On a technical level this was by far the most difficult image to make so far - during the days I was there most of my shots were in harsh summer sunlight creating harsh shadows which seriously restricted my options and as a result some seriously cool buildings did not make it into the image. This also restricted options for the setting and overall lighting. The landscape was shot north of the city near Harderwijk, where I have some family.

Once again this is primarily photomanipulation supplemented with 3D. All stock by me.

I appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism :)
Image size
1920x1200px 1.81 MB
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cylonka's avatar

They've stolen your idea in Mortal Engines movie.