.:Fanart:. The Hero That Nobody Deserves!Josh-S26 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/josh-s26/art/Fanart-The-Hero-That-Nobody-Deserves-640187525Josh-S26

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.:Fanart:. The Hero That Nobody Deserves!



Yee more SuperCrash! fanart! 

Chapter 4 of the webcomic, SuperCrash! has just ended and now Chapter 5 has jumped in for a whole 'nother story to tell! So why not celebrate the completion of Chapter 4 with ANOTHER fanart!?
That's right, I made another one of these! Just fantastic! 

The webcomic "SuperCrash!" is an ongoing series that was created by none other than TheBourgyman :iconthebourgyman:! Be sure to watch him if ya haven't already! "SuperCrash!" is basically a superhero webcomic about a young boy who in some way "saves" the world from "dangerous" monsters and "horrible" enemies! XD Naw, I'm just kidding (well, kinda).

The story is actually about these Superhumans who get mysterious superpowers by these green glowing objects called "Heronium". This "Heronium" was founded by Darcel Surroi while working at the grounds searching for precious metals with his superior, Pierre. He decided to take the thing home and then later it affected him with strange powers! Darcel used this new power of his to fight for justice until suddenly, his powers were drained out by the time he was 18 years old. For some strange reason, Heronium is only able to affect teenagers under the age of 18 and once those teenagers reach that age, their powers are gone and they live as normal humans after that. Darcel then created an agency called "SUPERHUMANS, INC." which recruited all teenagers who were both worthy and willing to have these bizarre powers. About a couple years later, a 14-year old boy named "Oliver DaCosta" moved into Norandopolis with his miother, Hilary and found a "Powerball" in his new bedroom after some random superhuman crashed into his bedroom and then escaped. Suddenly, the ball transported Oliver to these two superhumans named SuperPouf and SuperWhatsHisName that were currently on a mission on fighting "Blobbert", a big green slime monster that kinda just goes attacking the city for no reason (and may I infer that it's always the same EXACT city he attacks). Oliver somehow defeated the big pile of sludge and was recruited to Superhumans, Inc. SuperPouf was assigned to be Oliver's mentor. SuperPouf teaches Oliver about how a superhuman acts and what they do, but he usually just gets beat up by Oliver a lot. Oliver later got the name "SuperCrash" since he 'crashes' into a lot of things! SuperCrash however has his own problems as well. Most of the townsfolk don't enjoy having superhumans around since they go everywhere and act like spoiled brats but what's even worse is that Oliver's mother, Hilary absolutely dispises superhumans so Oliver has to keep his secret away from her or he'll probably die or whatever. That's pretty much what happens in this story! Of course there's more but I only gave a brief summary for those who haven't got into it yet X3
(That's right, I just copy and pasted what I typed in the journal, so what!? It's still somewhat accurate!)

Despite the webcomic starting in 2009, the whole series has been developing since as early as 1999 (I wasn't even born yet)! 
In fact, the author and illustator, Yves Bourgelas has actually revealed some of his very very very VEEEEEEEEEEERY old works of SuperCrash! from his teenage years! It's fascinating to know that such old resources are still surviving to this very day! 

To read the story, just click on this lil' link right over here  (that's right, I just copy and pasted again, is that really a big problem!?)

Now in case you're wondering, NO, I did not draw the entire frickin background, I'm not that crazy! The background is actually made up of random comic panels from Chapter 4, with one panel from each page! Wowzers! I actually had a pretty tough time trying to fit each panel together in the page! I had to stretch some of the pictures out without making them look noticeable! It's actually a lot more frustrating than what people would assume. Don't use PowerPoint as your image editing source XD

Hopefully, I won't get sued or anything for borrowing webcomic material without permission (I'm sorry!)

I did however draw the main focus on this image, the drawing itself. 
This drawing was actually based off of an artwork from "Boku no Hero Academia". It's right here! 66.media.tumblr.com/a5deb37a19…

If you wanna see the boring original version of the drawing (as in without the woven in background). it's right here! Untitled by Josh-S26

I hope you guys like it, I worked REALLY HARD on it! 
Well, now if you'll excuse me, I have some Chapter 5 reading to do X3
Thanks for reading!

More Supercrash! fanart!
SuperCrash! - Memorable Moments by Josh-S26 .:Birthday Gift:. 31 Years with Yves by Josh-S26 

SuperCrash! and all of those background panels (C) Yves Bourgelas
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© 2016 - 2025 Josh-S26
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MislamicPearl's avatar
Oh my gosh, this is so well done!! Haven't read this one but it looks interesting!
Did you color this with crayons??
(I do use Powerpoint as an image editor as it happens XD)