Hi. So you've stumpled upon my gallery and are about to take a look around. Excellent. Before you get started, an introduction is in order. I'm Josh Finney --author, illustrator, old school cyberpunk. I currently have two graphic novels on the shelf, a sci-fi war epic entitled TITANIUM RAIN and my biotech noir tale, UTOPIATES. I also have had several short stories published and am in the process of completing my first prose novel. The most notible material I've done to-date is a Batman title, as well as concept art for Star Trek: Enterprise.
Current Residence: San Diego, CA
Favourite genre of music: Electronic
Favourite style of art: Digital
Operating System: Mental Illness
Shell of choice: Megatech Cyber Body
Thanks for the Favo
Thanks for the fave.
thanks for the fave
Thanks for the fav.
thank you for the favorites!