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JordiLa-Forge's avatar

Well, Hello There Little One



Well hewwo there widdle Woona!

I probably should have posted this before Woona got her cutie mark... meh.
I'm probably going to make a lot more of these so, have a list:
Li'l Baby Woona|A Flight Out (might have been a bad idea)|Woona Gets Her Cutie Mark|Many millennia later...

Edit: Ha.. whoops.. Celestia needs a horn, stupid.

Made using Inkscape.

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Princess Celestia SVG downloads
Princess Luna SVG downloads
Image size
15871x6682px 2.43 MB
© 2013 - 2024 JordiLa-Forge
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AmberliaDraw's avatar

Hi! Could I use this for my game as a photo for a book? (Yes, this game it's still wip and has permission by hasbro) Here's an Imae of my game! I'll give you credit of course  :3

Testeo Mlp