Devious Journal Entry

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JordanGreywolf's avatar
Upcoming online chat on the Beautiful Brains Books & Games site ( with Aaron Acevedo, art director for Pinnacle Entertainment Group, on Thursday, April 12th, 9-10 pm EST.  The topic is about getting into the RPG "industry," focusing on artists and layout editors.  There might be a few professional artists on there as a "panel," but I don't have any specific names to drop, as I'm not involved in organizing this.

I'm planning on checking in on that, since that's an area of interest of mine (my "day job" involves editing and layout, rather than illustration).  I just thought I'd post it here on the off chance someone reads this and is actually interested.

The Beautiful Brains site has a "chat" window at the bottom of the front page.  You can sign in via Facebook account, or create a unique sign-in for the site, or just listen in as a "guest" without bothering to sign in at all.

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