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Beornings' Settlement



©2010 Jon Hodgson

A Beornings' Settlement for The One Ring rpg from Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7.

"Faithful to the teachings and will of their chieftain, they protect the mountain passes and the road that leaves the forest to cross the river Anduin, watching for every creature, on two legs or four, that dares defy them. Men, Elves and Dwarves still have to earn the trust of this suspicious folk, and often must pay heavy tolls for safe passage across the Beornings’ domain."

You can see an hour long walkthrough broken up into ten videos over on my youtube channel: [link]

Artrage, Painter, PS.
Image size
720x518px 515.06 KB
© 2011 - 2024 JonHodgson
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Excavations in a shunned area in Sweden found numerous skeletons lying hodgepodge , app.  murdered and .in malice, not given proper burial.  They date c.500 and this massacre was likely the reason why this area had been shunned, tho the reason was long forgotten.